A Quick Chat With Ben Avitra

Introducing Ben Avitra, a Perth-based singer-songwriter who packs real narratives into emotive blends of alt-pop and indie folk. With his impassioned and earnest sound, he has released ‘The River’ - a track that is a vulnerable reflection on his teenage years, housemates and rough times. Despite it’s gloomy theme, it’s a gracefully flowing track that makes beautiful use of space to instil suspense. We caught up with Ben to find out more about his creative process, this new track and more.

Can you tell us what this track means to you and what you want people to take away from it?

The release of this track is really another stage of healing for me. Speaking through my creativity that I have held back and repressed. I’m really just challenging the fears and beliefs of not being enough, not feeling important, being afraid of making mistakes and not speaking what lies true in my world. It’s also a reminder for me to come back to feeling and honouring those parts that have been abandoned, shunned and rejected and not resisting the suffering that lies within that.  

Even though we are lucky, life can get really confusing and overwhelming when we are faced with difficult feelings and conflicts and I just really want people to know that ignoring those internal cues that are knocking at your door is not the way. So ill invite you to feel the river and feel the snow and as time goes on - then you’ll know :)

Who are some of your influences and why?

Pink Floyd, Tool and The Eagles are big writing influences for me. I love their ideas lyrically and musically. Even though my music sounds nothing like theirs, they have all been influential. 

On the other hand I love a good banger whether it be drum and bass or Trance. This music really gets me going. 

What's the creative process for you, from writing through to recording?

Usually, I’ll just be exploring chord progressions or riffs on the guitar or piano and I’ll sing a melody that just comes to me with some made up words or maybe real ones. I’ll record that on my phone, decipher when I listen back and then refine. I’ll usually be inspired by emotion or something from the unconscious that doesn’t necessarily make sense at that time. Everything sparks from there. Like a seed sprouts into a tree or plant, more ideas come through this process for example, a drum beat or bass line then these ingredients all get put together in my studio at home or in a bigger studio if required. 

What do you think makes a great song?

Deep and meaningful lyrics that touch the hearts of brokenness or joyousness, expressively played instrumentation, a well recorded and mixed production and “no auto tune” :)

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Perhaps Ben Howard, Chris Klafford maybe even The Eagles if I ever had the honour. Ben because of his down to earth and soul filling musical expression, Chris because of his amazing vocal capacity and songwriting and The Eagles because of their smooth harmonies and hit making inspirations. Actually even big trance artists like Gareth Emery or Dallerium because they have bangers that lift your spirits.

When not working on music, what other creative outlet/s do you have?

Well, I’m actually a pretty good cook if you don’t mind me blowing my own horn here. My specialties being a Thai Penang Curry, a cheeky stirfry or a roast of any kind #vegetarianfriendly #carnivorefriendly 

Who are some local bands we should check out?

Lots…Olivia and Rueben De Melo, Chloe Schofield, Grace Sanders, The Browne Study Band and Valdaway. There’s a great mix in there just in WA. 

Winter or summer and why?

Summer, hands down. I’ve got no fat on me and I love a good sweat. Plus, I’m still thawing out from the year 2000. I love the beach and swimming and scuba diving and wakeboarding and all the water sports. I also love waterfalls. 

What else do you have planned for 2024?

I’m at the tail end of recording an EP at Norman Solander Studios with Darren Ball so busy with this and obviously a music video on the horizon with this new single being released shortly. 

Also looking to form a band and get a group together to start playing some shows with the intention of touring the country. 

I love the process of being involved in music videos so I’ll be planning a new music video at some point in the near future with one of the song from my EP. 

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